Tuesday, July 9, 2019

My 16th Free Bitcoin Cash proof of payment (9-6-2020)

Bitcoin Aliens - Free Bitcoin Cash  <<< App

My Withdraw History : 1~16

16. (9-6-2020)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
16th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00012236   ($0.03 USD)

15. (5-5-2020)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
15th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010317   ($0.02 USD)

14. (24-3-2020)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
14th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010605   ($0.02 USD)

13. (18-2-2020)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
13th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00011307   ($0.04 USD)

12. (7-1-2020)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
12th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010770   ($0.02 USD)

11. (17-12-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
11th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00011085   ($0.02 USD)

10. (26-11-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
10th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010863   ($0.02 USD)

9. (29-10-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
9th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00011023   ($0.02 USD)

8. (15-10-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
8th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00015507   ($0.03 USD)

7. (1-10-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
7th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010077   ($0.02 USD)

6. (17-9-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
6th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010381   ($0.03 USD)

5. (3-9-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
5th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00013101   ($0.03 USD)

4. (20-8-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
4th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00017992   ($0.05 USD)

3. (6-8-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
3th proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00014448   ($0.04 USD)

2. (23-7-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
2nd proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00015358   ($0.04 USD)

1. (9-7-2019)
Bitcoin Aliens-Free Bitcoin Cash App
The first proof of payment
Withdrawal to Coinbase (Bitcoin wallet)
BCH 0.00010116   ($0.04 USD)

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